The Subtle Art of Starting Over: Embracing Self-Discovery and Entrepreneurship

Hey Sis!

Life has a funny way of nudging us down paths we never expected to walk. A few years ago, if you’d asked me if I’d be here—contemplating a leap from the “safe” world of government contracting into the wild, unpredictable world of entrepreneurship—I would’ve probably laughed it off. But here I am, standing on the edge of something new, something exhilarating, and yeah, something a little terrifying.

Starting over isn’t new to me. It’s a theme that’s woven itself through my life—sometimes quietly, other times like a wrecking ball. But each time, it’s brought me closer to who I am and what I really want from this life.

The Journey to Here

For years, I built a life that looked great from the outside—a stable job, a comfortable home, a loving family. By all accounts, I have it all. But deep down, I knew something was missing. It wasn’t until I found myself at the crossroads of a personal crisis and a spiritual awakening that I realized I wasn’t living a life that truly aligned with my soul.

Watching my mother’s mental health decline was a wake-up call I never saw coming. It made me confront my own struggles with happiness, fulfillment, and purpose. Suddenly, everything was up for question—my career, my choices, my entire path. That’s when I started turning inward, really digging deep to figure out what I wanted—not just for myself, but for my family and the communities I care so deeply about. Pre-covid, driving to the office, I would listen to Beyonce’s “I was here” and really ponder what mark I was leaving in the world. Looking back now, I know I was flirting with depression even then, but the pandemic distracted me from my own mental health until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. That’s when my journey began.

But let me tell you, the journey hasn’t been easy. My husband, Sheldon, and I have had our fair share of intense conversations—some of them heated—about the possibility of me leaving my job. He’s not exactly on board with my entrepreneurial spirit yet, and the idea of walking away from a steady income brings a lot of anxiety. We’re a team, and what I do financially impacts our entire family. This dynamic has added layers of complexity to my journey—both in life and in spirit.

Learning to Trust the Process

This road to realization wasn’t a smooth one for me. I stumbled—a lot. But with each stumble, I learned. I stopped seeing setbacks as failures and started viewing them as lessons. Every challenge was an opportunity to grow, to refine my vision, and to get crystal clear on what really matters to me. My path toward self-discovery is forever evolving.

I didn’t know it at the time, but all these experiences were leading me to something bigger. They were guiding me to create something that would bring together everything I’d learned—something that would help others avoid the same roadblocks that tripped me up time and again.

From Darkness to Light: The Birth of Four Keys Club

It wasn’t until I seriously started considering leaving my job that things began to click. All those lessons, all that soul-searching, led me to create Four Keys Club. This isn’t just a business to me—it’s the embodiment of everything I’ve been through, everything I’ve learned, and everything I want to give back to the world.

Four Keys Club is my baby, born from the realization that true wealth isn’t just about money. It’s about building a life that aligns with your values, your passions, and your purpose. It’s about creating communities where people can cultivate happiness, discover peace, create wealth, and build legacies that last.

But this story isn’t just about Four Keys Club. This is my story, my way, my journey, and how I’ve come to see that starting over isn’t something to fear. It’s something to embrace. It’s a chance to realign, reconnect with who you are, and create something beautiful from the lessons life has handed you.

Embracing the Power of a Fresh Start

So here I am, still working my job, still figuring out how to replace my income so we can keep paying the bills. It’s a delicate balance, one that requires careful navigation to maintain a happy marriage. Dancing on this new path while maintaining a strong partnership with my husband is a journey in itself, and one I’m learning more about every day. It’s something I’ll be exploring more in future conversations. But despite the challenges, I’m excited—because this time, I’m stepping into something that feels right, something that aligns with my soul.

Starting over isn’t about leaving something behind; it’s about stepping fully into who you are. It’s about recognizing that every twist and turn has led you to this exact moment, and that moment is full of potential.

I don’t know exactly where this journey will take me, but I know I’m ready for it. I’m ready to embrace the unknown, trust the process, and see where this fresh start leads.

A New Beginning

As I take this leap—one careful step at a time—I’m filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the journey that’s brought me here, for the lessons I’ve learned, and for the opportunity to create something meaningful with Four Keys Club. But more than anything, I’m grateful for the chance to start over, to align with my true self, and to share this journey with you.

This isn’t the end of my story—it’s just the beginning. And I’m excited to see where this path leads, not just for me, but for all of us who are brave enough to start over.

Call to Action

If you’ve ever felt that nudge to start over, to align more closely with who you are, I invite you to join me on this journey. Subscribe to my newsletter, and let’s explore this path together, one step at a time.


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