5 Empowering Strategies to Overcome Self-Sabotage

Hey Sis!

If you’ve ever felt like you’re your own worst enemy, you're not alone. Self-sabotage is a sneaky little monster that can hold us back from living our best lives. But the good news is, we can beat it! Let’s dive into five uniquely effective techniques to overcome self-sabotage and begin your glow-up.

1. Practice Mirror Work

Mirror work involves looking into a mirror and speaking positive affirmations to yourself. This might feel strange at first, but it’s a powerful way to confront and change negative self-perceptions. When I first started, I kept it simple with: “I love you.” Check out this helpful printable: Morning Mirror Work

2. Use Future Self Journaling

Instead of just writing about your day, try future self journaling. Read the letter you write to yourself from the perspective of having achieved your goals. Your future self is letting you know not to stress—you figured it out, and it was epic! This technique helps resolve stress, knowing you've already reached the milestone you are working toward. I have a great template available here: Future Self Journaling Template.

3. Embrace the Power of Visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool used by many successful people. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself achieving your goals. Feel the emotions, see the details, and experience the joy of success in your mind. Mental rehearsal can help you overcome fear and self-doubt, making your goals feel more attainable and familiar.

4. Try Somatic Experiencing

Somatic experiencing is a body-focused therapy that helps release stored trauma and stress. By paying attention to physical sensations in your body and allowing them to move and shift, you can release the tension that fuels self-sabotage. This method can be particularly effective for those who struggle with anxiety or feel stuck in old patterns.

5. Engage in Shadow Work

Shadow work involves exploring the parts of yourself that you typically hide or reject, often referred to as the “shadow self.” This practice helps you understand and integrate these aspects, reducing their power over your behavior. By acknowledging and embracing your shadow, you can transform self-sabotaging habits into positive actions.


Overcoming self-sabotage is a journey, not a destination. By practicing mirror work, future self journaling, visualization, somatic experiencing, and shadow work, you release the BS that causes self-sabotage, allowing you to step into your full potential. Remember, you are worthy of success and happiness. Let’s take this journey together and create the life we truly desire!

With love and light,



The Subtle Art of Starting Over: Embracing Self-Discovery and Entrepreneurship


Break Free from Self-Sabotage: Practical Steps to Achieve Your Goals and Transform Your Life