From Renting to Owning: Our Home-Buying Adventure in Maryland

Hey there!

I'm Ebony, and I'm excited to take you on a wild ride – my very own journey from being a stressed-out tenant in Howard County to a proud homeowner in Charles County. This tale is packed with real emotions – anxiety, excitement, and a ton of learning curves. Whether you're from Charles County, Maryland, or just dreaming about your first home, strap in. This story's for you.

The Pandemic Pivot:

Let's set the scene. Amid a full-blown pandemic, we were living in Brompton House, Elkridge, MD. We loved Howard County – the community, the vibes, everything. But each walk down that endless hallway to our apartment made my heart race. It wasn't just the pandemic; it was realizing we were stuck in a financial rut. Renewing our lease? Definitely a no-go.

The decision to leave wasn't easy. We were comfortable, but comfort doesn't always mean happiness, right? Especially when your bank account is pleading for mercy. So, I started dreaming about a place where we could have more than walls and a roof. A place where our boys could thrive and where we could breathe without counting pennies. That's when our hunt began.

Sheldon was on board from day one. We scoured Harford and Charles County, seeking value, space, and a place to call our own. Howard County, with its sky-high property taxes and house prices, just didn't cut it anymore. We needed something different, something better.

Discovering NACA:

Enter NACA – the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America. It's this incredible program designed to make homeownership attainable for those who think it's out of reach. There we were, a typical middle-class family, earning too much for assistance but not enough for luxury. NACA appeared as a lifeline.

NACA has built an unprecedented, successful track record of over 75,000 successful homebuyers – 90% of whom are people of color.

I first heard about NACA from friends and family but didn't give it much thought initially. Life's busy, and you often just nod and move on. But when my manager mentioned she bought her house through NACA, it sparked my interest. I dived into Google, wishing I had explored this sooner.

The more I learned about NACA, the more I realized it was perfect for families like ours. They have 'priority' and 'non-priority' categories, based on factors like income and location. We were non-priority, but that didn't deter me. This was our chance at a real home, and I was determined to seize it.

Navigating the NACA process was overwhelming, confusing, and exciting all at once. I plan to spill all the details in a future post – the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's a story you won't want to miss.

The Emotional Rollercoaster:

Now, let's talk about the emotional rollercoaster of buying a house. It's more than a financial transaction; it's a whirlwind of feelings. One minute you're elated, imagining life in a new place, the next, you're stressed, questioning every decision. The pressure was on, especially with our lease ending and the prospect of a hefty month-to-month rate.

Between the pandemic and my anxiety, the stress took its toll. Sheldon and I worked with Kim Moller, an amazing lender in Charles County while navigating the NACA process. We were juggling options and deadlines.

But the real game-changer was meeting Monsie Brandon from Exit Landmark. He wasn't just a real estate agent; his calm demeanor and wisdom made a lasting impression. He unknowingly planted a seed that would later change my life – but that's a story for another time.

Throughout this journey, I learned more about myself than I ever imagined. Shifting from a tenant mindset to a homeowner's perspective was my first big step. Every decision, and every offer we made, brought us closer to our dream and helped me evolve, not just as a buyer, but as a homeowner.

I had to get out out the tenant-mindset. That was my first step toward preparing myself for homeownership.

There were so many new things to learn about becoming a homeowner. I’m still learning now! There are rules of the HOA, mortgage increases, home-builder quality, and community-wide occurrences that just wont have experience with until you own a home.

It was during these moments that I truly understood the weight of our decision. This wasn't just about buying a house; it was about building a future, creating a legacy, and setting the stage for our sons to have something lasting. It was about changing the narrative and stepping into a role that was entirely new to us.

The Big Why:

So, why did we do it? Why go through all this chaos and stress? Simple – for our boys. For that dream of building generational wealth, of leaving a legacy. Homeownership is more than a key to a door; it's a key to effectively build wealth. It's about creating stability, setting roots, and giving our family something tangible to build on.

Was it scary? Hell yeah! Was it worth it? Absofu….ahem… yes! And let's not forget – I'm a DIY junkie. Buying our house wasn't just about providing a home for my family; it was about unleashing my creative side. The thought of turning a space into our own was exhilarating.

But real talk, everyone won’t make it. There were moments… man listen… It's a commitment to your future at the end of the day. It’s a mindset that comes with this life. What types of rules will you have to comply with in a new community? What type of neighbors will you have? What type of neighbor will you BE? I had to shift a few things. The me I am now is not the same Ebony that moved in here, that's for damn sure. I had to breathe, stretch, and shake that “tenant mindset” off because things were very different. 

Closing Thoughts:

There you have it – a snippet of our crazy journey from Howard County to our new home in Charles County. It's been a ride filled with lessons, challenges, and a whole lot of personal growth so far. In the coming posts, I'll take you deeper into the NACA process, share the emotional ups and downs of homeownership, and yes, even take you along on my DIY adventures. My intentions are clear, I’m going to be the person I wish I had known when I started to wrap my head around buying a home.

Stay tuned, and let's walk this path together. Got your own home-buying stories? I'd love to hear them. Drop a comment and let's share our growth.


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